How you can use HubSpot to make a start with conversational marketing - allowing you to build...
When visitors arrive on your website they’re often looking for a solution. Even with amazing marketing copy, some visitors will still leave before giving you any contact information to stay in touch with them. Chatbots offer an additional method for engaging with visitors and helps you connect with more potential customers. Read more about conversational marketing here.
Conversations can now occur across channels and at any stage of the inbound methodology.
Attract: Add a chatbot outside your website, example: your company's Facebook Messenger
Convert: Installing a lead generation chatbot on your website's homepage with the ability to answer the most important or frequently asked questions.
Close: Connect your sales reps directly to your website visitors to build better relationships, schedule meeting directly through chat and close more deals.
Delight: Using a live chat feature could help customers returning to your site get the answers they're looking for — fast.
“Marketing today is all about algorithms and conversion rates instead of connecting with people. Let’s make it about people again.”
With the potential to establish rock-solid customer relations and obtain valuable consumer-related insights, it is quickly becoming one of the most potent sales drivers. Conversational marketing has the power to generate more leads and drive conversions much more straightforward than other, more traditional, sales funnels.
Traditional vs conversational marketing
Benefits of conversational marketing for companies:
- Customer-driven - Get to know our visitors and their needs
- Less friction - Shorter sales cycles
- Human-centric - Minimize the gap between visitor and brand
- Scalable via chatbots
- Increased sales pipeline
But it’s not only about you - your consumers also gain direct benefits:
- Quicker finding of information they’re looking for adds value to their visits - By adding a helping bot and/or Live chat (and lower your bounce rate)
- A more personalized experience - Add personalization to your bot/messaging
- On-demand - Easy get in touch with someone from your company 24/7 - A bot never sleeps
- “Like shopping in a store” - Reach a higher level of customer experience by providing the right message at the right time
There are lots of reasons to implement conversational marketing in a company's marketing mix - and even sales and service department can benefit from it. Speed and quicker response is one reason. Higher customer satisfaction and retention is another.
Read more on our services page about conversational marketing!
Learn more about Conversational Marketing