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HSBU - Whitepaper - 40 tips B2B LeadGen - visual  EN

Generating promising leads is one of the fundamental tasks of marketing. It is the foundation for the growth of any business. The more qualified leads that are generated, the greater the chance of acquiring new customers. Successful lead generation keeps the sales funnel full of potential buyers, creating the basis for sustainable growth.

Read our white paper for the top 40 B2B lead generation tips and tricks you can use to keep your funnel full of new sales opportunities.

Download your free ebook now


The days of cold calling and bought lists are over!

In the B2B sector, it is particularly important to reach potential customers effectively and convince them of your products. Digital strategies play a crucial role in this.

Our 50+ page white paper, 'The 40 Best Tips & Tricks for B2B Lead Generation', provides valuable insight into the tools and techniques you can use to successfully generate leads.

Discover the most effective methods now and use them to drive sustainable sales and profits.



Among other things, you will learn...

  • Strategies for creating exclusive, irresistible and enticing offers for different purchase levels
  • Tips for creating high-quality content and services, including eBooks, white papers, free consultations, coupons and product demonstrations
  • How to use the principle of scarcity to increase the interest of potential customers
  • Tips for encouraging visitors to take action to increase conversions
  • How to reduce potential customer reservations by using proof points
  • How to optimise the customer journey to reach prospects more effectively
  • Tips for using marketing automation to streamline the lead generation process.

Benefit from the 40 best tips on how to optimise the elements of lead generation, reach the right customers and increase your sales!