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Say Hello to the Digital 22 Culture Code

Digital 22  was founded to create an enjoyable place to work. That's reflected in the fact our mission statement is "To Help our Clients and Each Other grow." One of the things that we all enjoy about work is, of course, doing inbound marketing but the other main thing is who you work with.

People are paramount at Digital 22.

When there were just a handful of people in the company's first office, close friendships were formed and something commonly said was that "Digital 22 feels like a family."

As we've grown from a handful of employees to 40 and counting, we realised it's important to try and capture that special relationship so it can carry on being there as we continue to grow. So that's why we've made our Culture Code.

There's an expectation that you can get along with who you work with and be friends as well as colleagues.

For Digital 22, the Culture Code defines what we believe in, what we do and how we work with people internally and externally. It's a way of formalising our DNA and the soul of the company so it becomes the backbone of how to act at work.

It's an addition to our Core Values and also a bit different.

This is based on feedback from across the whole team and what’s already helping to create a happy, productive, successful business.

A big survey was sent out to all the team at the start of 2019. Hours of research, analysis and chats resulted in the finished set of statements that everyone at Digital 22 believes is how we should all treat each other in work.

If you want to come and join the journey we're on at Digital 22, the Culture Code will give you an idea of what life's like around our office and as part of the team.

Here's our Culture Code statements:

  • Do what you think is best. The best for Digital 22, the best for your growth, the best for your colleagues and the best for your client. Without taking advantage.
  • Be accountable. Because we’re all adults, we should own up to what we need to.
  • Communicate properly. Speak to people with respect and be a good listener. And there’s no need to gossip.
  • Respect other people. Their time, their work and their ideas.
  • Support your colleagues. Like a family, be there for each other and the favour will be returned one day.
  • Keep getting better. We’re #1 in Europe but we can all learn. Learn from your mistakes and help others learn from theirs (and yours too).
  • Be considerate. Remember you’re in a shared space and how you behave impacts people around you.
  • Clean up after yourself. If you don’t sort it, you’re leaving it for somebody else to do it for you. From overdue tasks to cups and plates on the drainer.
  • Enjoy the ride. Being the best is hard work, embrace it and celebrate whenever you can.

You can also check out the full Culture Code document on Slideshare...



If this sounds like the type of culture you'd want to work in, check out our job vacancies and this video which shows why winning Employer of the Year was so important to Digital 22*...

*Please excuse the hangovers.