You’ve got to spend money to make money and that’s especially true when it comes to creating...
Although inbound video marketing now needs to be taken more seriously than ever, it doesn’t mean every marketer has to have skills like Martin Scorsese and Christopher Nolan. Sure, having a video editor on hand to create some compelling inbound videos is a great way to go - but inbound video marketing is for the entire team to get involved. If you want to get started with filming inbound videos yourself, here are some quick video ideas you can implement this week - without shelling out a fortune.

Check out the quick and easy video ideas below. To learn more about how to get started with each one, just click on the heading.
- Webinar
- Product or Software Demo
- About Us
- Video Podcast
- Q&A Session
- Repurpose a Blog
- Behind the Scenes
1. Record a webinar
What you’ll need
- Laptop
- Webcam
- Screen Recording Software

Whether it’s an on-screen conference or presentation, a webinar is a super quick way to get your message across through a video. Think of how often you have to travel with the company and other marketers to attend talks that can be just as impactful if you watched them from the office or even at home.
To pre-record one: Just grab a laptop with a good-quality webcam, download a free screen recording software like Vidyard and hit the record button. It’ll capture your audio (even better if you plug in a microphone) while showing your audience exactly what they need to see.
To record a 'live' webinar: Market it like you would any other external talk or presentation, but host it on Zoom or Google Meet. You can then record the session there and then, saving it for future repurposing.
2. Show off your products or software
What you’ll need
- Laptop
- Screen Recording Software
If you want to show off your products or software to further entice your target audience, then this easy video is a great way to move them down the buyer’s journey. All you need is a laptop and screen recording software (we use Vidyard) that can show the viewers what they need to see. Showing your services or product and how they work can help turn a visitor into a contact.
Although a webcam isn’t necessary, you can film yourself guiding viewers through your software and giving them a demo that will make them remember you when it’s time to make a buying decision.
3. About Us video
What you’ll need
- A Camera or Smartphone
- Laptop or Computer
- B-roll Footage
- Editing Software
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Visitors on your website will be bored of seeing the same old style of learning more about the company. While text and client logos or badges are important, a video on your ‘About Us’ section offers a more unique angle to visitors.
It’s easy to just use a smartphone or a basic camera and record some b-roll footage to use. Include things like an overview of the company, what you do, services and more. Doing this audibly and visually is a lot more effective than just one option. Then, you’ll only need basic software to edit a short video - which we’ll get on to (or scroll down to jump ahead).
4. Video podcast
What you’ll need
- Camera(s)
- Audio and Video Editing Software
- Microphone
- Laptop

If you’re already on the podcast bandwagon, then it’s just as easy to turn those audio podcasts into video versions. There doesn’t need to be a massive change, other than the fact a camera will be filming and the visual footage will be edited to match the audio.
Like the previous point, it’s a great alternative to just one option for visitors. It can put faces to voices, and getting started is quite simple. Grab another marketer, decide on a topic you’re both passionate about, sit down, get some notes up on your laptop to direct the show, plug in the microphone and hit record on the laptop and the cameras. Then, you just need to edit them.
5. Q&A session
What you’ll need
- Laptop
- Webcam
- Screen Recording Software

Q&A sessions are a great way to stop visitors from navigating through Google and heading elsewhere for the answers they need. Think about a topic and the pain points of your personas, come up with common questions they might be typing in and answer them all in your short video so they get plenty of value.
It might even be FAQs that the company gets asked. Rather than have visitors scroll through endless pages of FAQs, just read the common ones out so it’s much quicker and visitors don’t end up heading elsewhere out of boredom. Like some of the earlier videos, it’s simple to get started as long as you install screen recording software.
6. Repurposing blogs
What you’ll need
- Laptop
- Webcam
- Editing Software

When we secured the rich snippet for "How Much Does Adwords Cost in the UK?" with our blog, we added the above video answer.
Your content team might be creating some really valuable blogs, but not every persona is going to have the time to read them all and might prefer short, snappier versions. That’s where videos can come in and it’s really simple to do it. Just pick a blog that’s gaining some traction or interest, jot down some key points and then talk about the blog in the video.
Don’t make the mistake of reading the blog out word for word. Naturally speaking flows a lot better and key points of the blog can help direct the video. Just make sure the webcam is recording you and you have software - should you need it - to edit it later on.
Remember, though, sometimes raw and more authentic videos are preferred by audiences instead as it feels more genuine. So if you’re doing it all in one take and it feels right, then go ahead and upload it.
7. Behind the scenes videos
What you’ll need
- Cameras or Smartphone
- Microphone (optional)
- Editing Software (optional)

Finally, behind the scenes footage is another unique yet easy video idea to implement right away. Visitors are always going to be curious about what you as a marketer and the wider team gets up to, so it’s always a good idea to tap into that and entice them to peel behind the curtain.
Make a quick behind the scenes video to show viewers how the operation works. That can be a behind the scenes look at your podcast set up, day to day activities, social time, when you’re at events and so on. By giving viewers that insight, it makes you more human to them rather than just somebody behind a screen - and it’s easy to do.
You can do it directly from your smartphone and upload the raw footage as it is. Or if you’re at an event, for example, then taking a camera and tripod along to edit later can also provide great footage.
These are clearly only a handful of videos that you can get involved in. They’re great starting points, but there are many more inbound videos you can film yourself. Whether it’s interviews or client testimonials, check out this blog to find out more about them and why they’re beneficial.
Overall, these inbound videos should be added to your marketing strategy plans, so inbound video finally needs to be given some more importance moving forward. To get you started, here are some examples of the equipment to look more into and some options that are available - with basic options a good starting point.
Video equipment
Basic cameras
- Smartphones
- Nikon D3300
- Sony a5100
Advanced cameras
- Sony PMW-300 One XDCAM
- JVC GY -HM650
- Panasonic AG-HPX250
Basic microphones
- Blue Yeti
- CAD U37
- Samson Meteor
Advanced microphones
- Heil PR40
- Shure SM7b
- Rode Procaster
Basic video editing software
- Apple iMovie
- Corel VideoStudio
- CyberLink PowerDirector
Advanced video editing software
- Adobe Premiere Pro
- Apple Final Cut Pro X
- Sony Vegas Pro 15
Basic screen recording software
- Nimbus
- Loom
- Fireshot Pro
Advanced screen recording software
- FlashBack
- Camtasia Studio
- MadCap Mimic
By looking into each of the equipment and software above, you’ll have a better understanding of what you’ll need and what’s much easier for every marketer and the rest of the team to use.
Ready to see more ways that video can transform your entire business?
Inbound video is just the tip of the iceberg. And these principles of communicating via video don't just apply to marketing.
As you can see from the simple screen recording and webcam-based videos, in the post above, video is record-able by anyone.
This means teams in sales, account or customer management, recruitment and HR can all use video to achieve their goals faster.
Take a look at the different ways video can transform your business in this guide.
You know the basics of inbound video, now learn more about inbound marketing
Inbound video is on the rise and it’s time to jump on the bandwagon. By implementing the videos we mentioned above, you'll be on the right path to adding video into your inbound marketing strategy. Although, that’s just one piece of the puzzle as there’s a lot more to consider when it comes to effective inbound marketing.
Flywheels, workflows, SEO, social media - there’s a lot to learn and plenty of tips to take with you. To make it easier to digest, along with more information on video marketing, we’ve created a free guide. Until that's ready, why not join our private Facebook Group?
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