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Moz Keyword Explorer Update

The Moz Keyword Explorer has undergone an update.

We have been using the alternative to Google Adwords' keyword planner and seen some of the benefits. Primarily the interface, data presentation and suggestion tools.

Here is a round-up of the recent updates from Moz.


On screen analytics tool with Digital 22 hue


It's Now International

This is massive.

Though we used it previously for prior research before homing in on the UK with Adwords, Moz's tool now covers UK searches too. They also now cover searches in Canada, Australia and a small but growing number of other Western countries.

It's still work in progress, however, and Moz themselves have advised that people in the UK should cross reference their findings on Google AdWords. At least for the time being, anyway.


Icon picture of a globe to show Moz has gone global


It Now Includes Questions In Suggestions

A minor addition given that you only need to think logically to turn previous suggestions into questions that searchers might be entering, but it's handy to have one less thing to think about.

This speeds up the content planning process and sharpens the way in which you can use keyword planning to make sure your content has unique value.


Keywords Can Be Grouped In One Click

Self explanatory but useful and every little helps.

You can also use the dropdown box to choose how you group your suggestions and researched keywords.


Screenshot of keywords being grouped on Moz

Keywords are then grouped into different lexical sets. (Image from Moz)


They Have Improved Their Difficulty Rating Score System

We are fans in the office of the way Moz presents their difficulty rating for your chosen keyword.

What wasn't great was the way that it felt like the majority - the vast majority - of terms were bundled into the 0-10 range of scores (out of 100). It felt like potential keywords were either all or nothing at times; impossibly easy or impossible to crack.

Sharpening that feature up is a real plus.


This Should Help You Boost Your Rankings

Though it does make your life a little easier having tools like this, first page ranking weren't built on Moz alone. It takes ongoing work and input from you to boost your (and your client's) SERP rankings.

There are a variety of way to go about it and some can be implemented quickly.

Check out this Google Ranking Factors Cheat Sheet to start improving your performance today.

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