In this episode of Inbound After Hours, we speak to Hannah Fleishman who is head of Inbound...
Ah, recruitment. The age-old problem of attempting to find the perfect fit for your team while trying to build a strong employer brand and retaining the talent you already have. That’s just the tip of the iceberg - there’s a lot more that recruiters and those in an HR role need to juggle.
So, who better to bring on the Inbound After Hours podcast than our very own Talent and Culture Manager?
Over the past year, Digital 22 went on a huge recruitment drive to keep up with the company’s growth. Going from 16 members to 40 isn’t an easy task, so we brought Mel on the show who’s played a major role behind the scenes to grow the team with the right people.
In this episode, Mark and Paul sit down with Mel, whose background is in recruitment. The three talk about the different approach the company took when it came to inbound recruitment and how we used the same tools we already had such as blogging, video and social rather than paid ads.
The point was to attract people and instead of offering a download, it was all about enticing them into applying for a role they’d do well in.
Obviously, there were challenges of doing this in HubSpot, especially since it isn’t a specialist recruitment software. Mel also talks about some of the hurdles she faced when using HubSpot when trying to recruit potential employees and the following steps to overcome them.
If you’re struggling with recruitment challenges, then trying it the inbound way is well worth a go. Make sure to tune into the episode as there’s some really good insight into our process which helped the team grow and put a specialist in each seat. You’ll hear more about how we:
- Focused on personas and looked at the talent we already had.
- Put a big focus on culture as well as skills. (We’ve actually got another podcast on our culture code which you can check out here).
- Created a separate culture blog.
- Committed to our social media accounts and got the whole team involved.
- Created our very own hashtag and remained consistent with it.
- And loads more.
The end result? Candidates mentioning in interviews how they ‘know us’ before they’ve even met us in person.
For more of this and some tips on how to get started with inbound recruitment, make sure to hit play. If you enjoyed this episode, go ahead and subscribe to the Inbound After Hours podcast. We’d also appreciate it if you can check our other episodes from wherever you get your podcasts and leave us a review while you’re there 🙏.
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The transcript:
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