2020 certainly presented us with some challenges. During the chaos, it also gave us more...
With Zoom screens replacing stages due to COVID-19, the HubSpot User Group (HUG) had no choice but to go digital. At our very first live-streamed event, the second speaker to share not only his screen but also his insight was Andrew Munnelly. He’s a Customer Success Manager at HubSpot, so you could say he knows a thing or two about its sales tools.
Did you know on average, salespeople only spend about 35% of their time selling? For more insider information on the HubSpot sales tools and how they can revolutionise your teams, give Andy’s talk a watch.

- Wonderful workflows and automation
- Reengaging unqualified leads
- What else is new?
Wonderful workflows and automation.
In Andrew’s talk, he broke down an average sale’s rep day and where their time is allocated. This showcased a whopping 14.8% of their time is spent on manual admin tasks. His aim is to give you the knowledge you need to cut down that chunk and empower your sales team with the tools HubSpot offers.
“27% of salespeople are spending an hour or more on data entry each day.”
Workflows make for a faster, easier and more reportable sales process. How many of you have built a workflow before in HubSpot?
Without imagining a dystopian future, Andy holds his hands up and admits there are some jobs that robots are just better at. Naturally, humans are better at relationship-building and having nuanced conversations. But what if you could free up your sales team so they could do more of that?
Let the robots do some of the heavy lifting for you, so your team can do what they were hired to do.
Automation undoubtedly makes for a more efficient sales process. By automating this crucial part of your business, you can trust that your data is more accurate and most importantly, reportable. Andy also talks about the joyous task of updating properties and how it’s primed for automation so you can make sure you get the most out of your day.
For more on accurate reporting and getting the data your boss actually wants to see, you can watch our first speaker, Sam, talk all about HubSpot’s functionality.
Reengaging unqualified leads.
Rejection is just one of those things every salesperson is familiar with. Where do your leads go that didn’t quite make the cut? Andrew talks about the ever-frustrating MQL that doesn’t quite make it to an SQL, whether it’s because they’re not a good fit for your business or maybe they just weren’t ready to commit.
HubSpot’s sales tools give you the insight to pinpoint exactly where it went wrong. You might find it’s just a sales document that’s not converting well. We have properties and workflows for when leads are moving forward, but many neglect those for when a lead is going backwards. Not all hope is lost yet. You can use this opportunity to trigger automation and hand the lead back to marketing.
Although ‘reason for rejection’ isn't a field in HubSpot by default, it can be easily created. Andy provided some inspiration for yours, but you could always customise these to be more specific to your business.
- Bad timing: six months
- Bad timing: nine months
- Bad timing: one year
- Low budget
- Outside selling region
- Can’t service/Bad business fit
- Government agency
- Bot submission or spam
- Purchased from competitor
Automation can make sure a task is right on time for that sales rep to pick it back up a better time.
What else is new?
One of the major pros to having Andrew deliver a talk is he has the insider scoop from HubSpot themselves. He didn’t just discuss a couple of new features and integrations, he went into detail about 15 new things for you to try today. From adaptive testing to account-based marketing, we were really spoiled.
This is just a fraction of value that Andy delivered in his talk. For more about getting the most out of HubSpot’s sales tools, you should settle in and watch his entire talk. There’s no question that sales and marketing need to be on the same page and having sales tools that are advantageous for both teams is a huge step towards working better together.
To close more leads with your new formidable team, you’ll benefit from our sales enablement guide.
Support your sales team and close more deals with our sales enablement guide.
So what’s sales enablement? With so much information to ingest, I’ll let you take a look at our resource instead. It includes how to align your teams, tips on increasing productivity, how the pieces actually fit together and more.
Grab your copy using the link below.