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How to use TikTok in a B2B business - Avidly Sessions video training

22 mins read

No longer just a place for silly dances or a doom scroll through a dirth of brainrotting misinformation, TikTok is a go-top option for even the driest of B2B businesses. Here's how to use it in your business...

Avidly Sessions: How to use TikTok in a B2B Business [WATCH NOW]


Key takeaways:

  • Aim to entertain
    TikTok is NOT just a personal / B2C platform but people do use it in their 'personal time.' Be mindful and do NOT sell to them as a B2B business. At most, your CTA should be 'follow us for more tips' or 'Share if you enjoyed this' as opposed to 'Book a call' or 'View our services.'
  • The only kit you need to buy is a mic
    You have a phone. Just buy a mic like the ones we use: The DJI Mic 2.
  • Get over going viral
    Because you won't. Instead, build an engaged following by providing entertaining and valuable content 3x a week.


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Edited video transcript:

Welcome everybody to the first of this series of Avidly sessions. Thanks for logging in those of you who have come and joined us right on time. We're going to get going on the hour because we want to keep this to 30 minutes. If you've got a hard stop at the end, no hard feelings; please do hop off. If you want to stay around and ask any questions, I'll be able to take anything that comes up. Thanks, Izzy, for joining us. I'm Paul from Avidly, head of our marketing team, and Izzy is one of our social media team members.

Avidly, in case you don't know who we are, is primarily a HubSpot partner, but we are based all around the world. Izzy is joining us from the UK team today, where I'm based, but we both work in global roles, and we work with customers from all over, primarily servicing them on HubSpot. Today, we are looking specifically at TikTok. We're going to look at what this is as a tool or technique, however, you like to frame it. We're going to look at how you actually use it, Izzy, for ourselves, for clients, primarily for B2B companies, as that's most of our audience.

What are the best advice and learnings we've had? Things have moved at quite a pace this year for TikTok in a B2B setting. It moves quite fast as a platform anyway. Whenever we catch up with our regular social meetings, things have changed, and you're always doing something new around the office, so we're ready to get your advice. If you've got any questions at any time, drop them in the Q&A. Once Izzy's talking, I'll make sure that's working. Hopefully, you will have enough insight to get started on TikTok. That's our goal. If we can get people started with TikTok for work, we're happy.

So, tell us, obviously, people know what TikTok is, but what are we talking about here? Just to be super clear in terms of the context, we're in TikTok.

TikTok is a video-first platform. Primarily, it has just jumped into sharing pictures as well, but it was made originally to share videos with trending sounds, using sound from artists as well. It's not just the Vine-style sounds; it's the music as well. You can also make your own sounds, which are growing quite popular at the moment. It's relatively new compared to all the other platforms. TikTok was made in 2016, so it's actually fairly new compared to everything else. It moves so fast as well. A trend could be trending for a day or for three weeks, and you've just got to hop on, so you've just got to be so quick with the platform.

It's a great outlet for everybody to share businesses, personal profiles, and it's just an amazing way to build a community. That's what social media platforms thrive on, especially TikTok. The platform and the algorithm love you to like, comment, and interact. You can also do things like duets, where you match your video with somebody else's video side by side, and you can talk and discuss the video you've previously watched. It's about creating that community feel on the platform.

We use TikTok for Avidly in a B2B setting. It's not like traditional marketing; it's not all educational content and hard selling. It's also not like personal use, where you might do some silly stuff. We aim to make it engaging and somewhat informal to keep people scrolling through our content. Ultimately, on TikTok, you're reaching people in their free time, so the approach needs to be more relaxed.

How is that different from other channels? Specifically, LinkedIn is an obvious comparison.

LinkedIn is typically more professional. At Avidly, we've started to try and change how we use LinkedIn, but traditionally, it's more professional. People post about their jobs, new industry insights, and do so in a professional manner. TikTok allows us to show the personality behind ourselves, our brand, and our business. It gives people that inside scoop because they want to know what goes on behind the scenes. It also allows for better connections to be formed because you can see a person behind the camera rather than just reading a passage of text.

Now, another joke in the office is about how some of us are a bit older than others. One thing that sounds old when I say this is how Instagram stories, and Instagram itself, with photos being less edited than a designed download you'd put on LinkedIn like five years ago. How is TikTok different from the Instagram side of behind-the-scenes content?

Whereas Instagram is a photo-first platform, TikTok is a video-first platform. You're able to do more raw, unedited type videos that you've seen on our profile. Instagram has implemented something that scans your photo to know if there's a filter on it or text, and it can push it out to more people if it's within a niche or a topic they're interested in. The algorithm is quite smart. On TikTok, you want to be yourself and show your brand's personality, which can be hard for B2B businesses that want to be professional and corporate. However, it's changing now. I've seen law firms and accountants doing funny, relaxed, raw, and unscripted videos. We've done a few with little mini mics asking what's on your phone background. It's not work-related, but you'll most likely watch it in your free time, and then maybe show it to others.

Full video transcript:

Paul: Brilliant. Perfect. Welcome everybody to the first of this series of avidly sessions. Thanks for logging in those of you. Uh who've come and joined us right on time. We're gonna get going on the hour because we wanna keep this to 30 minutes. And if you've got a hard stop at the end, uh no hard feelings, please do hop off and if you want to stay around and ask any questions, I'll be able to uh take anything that comes up. But thanks Izzy for joining us. I'm Paul from avidly head of our marketing team and Izzy is one of our social media team. Give us a wave.

Paul: So avidly in case you don't know who we are. We are primarily a hubspot partner, but we are um based all around the world. And Izzy is joining us from the UK team today. Well, where I'm based, but we both work in global roles and we work with customers from all over. Uh primarily servicing them on hubspot. But today, we are looking specifically at tiktok, we're going to look at what this is as a tool, all technique. Uh However, you like to frame it. We're going to look at how you actually use it Izzy for ourselves, for clients, primarily for B to B companies, that's most of our audience. Um And what the best advice and learnings, we've had things have moved at quite a pace this year for tiktok in A B to B setting. Uh And it moves quite fast as a platform anyway. So I know whenever we catch up with our uh regular social meetings, um and I come and sit in those with you and Emily and the team, it's uh things have changed and you're always doing something new around the office, so ready to get your advice. And if you've got any, any questions at any time, drop them in uh in the Q and A, I'll just, once Izzy's talking, I'll be able to make sure that's working. That should be, that should get that working. Now, there we go. Got that in a separate tab there and then we will see it in action and hopefully you will have enough insight to go and get started on tiktok. That's our goal. We were chatting yesterday, weren't we? As of what the aim is today? If we can get people started with Tik Tok for work, we're happy.

Paul: Also, I don't know if you happen to see my linkedin Post, is he? But they say 10,000 hours you're an expert on Tik Tok.

Izzy: Yes. Um, I do rock up some hours on tiktok. My screen time is a talk of the office. Um, Yeah, I'm not sure if it's good or bad. The doom scrolling does get to me.

Paul: Well, it's definitely making you good at using it.

Izzy: So, yeah, definitely. It's all all research I reposted and did put that on my linkedin and said it, it was all for research.

Paul: So you, you, you do know a lot about it, jokes aside. So tell us, obviously, people know what tiktok is, but what are we talking about here? Just, just to be super clear in terms of the context we're in tiktok.

Izzy: Tik Tok is a video first platform. Um Primarily it has just jumped into sharing pictures as well. Um But it was made originally to share videos with trending sounds to use sound from artists as well. So it's not just the vine style sounds, it's the music as well. You can also make your own sounds. So they're going growing quite popular at the moment. Um It's relatively new compared to all the other platforms. So tiktok was made in 2016. So it's actually fairly new compared to everything else. It moves so fast as well. Um A trend could be trending for a day, it could be trending for three weeks and you've just got to hop on. So you've just got to be so quick with the platform. But it's a great outlet for everybody to share businesses, to share personal profiles, to share. It's just an amazing way to build a community as well. And that's what social media platforms strive off. Especially tiktok. They love the platform and the algorithm loves you to like, comment, like interacting. So you sharing on, you can also do things like duets. I don't know if you've heard about that. So that's when you match your video and somebody else's video side by side and you can talk and discuss the video that you've previously watched. Um So it's just creating that community feel um on the platform. Um We use it obviously for avidly, we use it in A B to B setting. Um And it's not like your traditional marketing, it's not all educational content and basically hard selling. Um It's also not like how personal people use it. You don't, I do some stupid stuff on there. I'm not gonna lie, but it's funny and it's not, it's not like lip syncs, it's not dancing. Um But ultimately, what you want to get people doing is scrolling through your content and ultimately tiktok, you're getting into people's, you get into people in their free time. Um So that's how we use it. So we want it to be more relaxed.

Paul: How is that different from other channels. So specifically linkedin is an obvious difference.

Izzy: Yeah. So linkedin is normally more professional. I know that as avidly, we started to try and change how we use linkedin. But traditionally it's more professional, people are posting about their jobs, they're posting about new things, they've found out within the industry in quite a professional manner. I know sometimes for me, I've, I left school a couple of years ago and I now see my friends posting very professional statuses on linkedin and I'm like, that's not you. Whereas linkedin lets um sorry, tiktok allows us to show that personality behind yourself behind your brand, behind your business. Um It's just giving people that inside Scoop cos they really want to know what goes on like behind the scenes. It also allows connections to be formed a bit better rather than you just reading a passage of text. You're actually being able to see a person behind the camera.

Paul: Now, another joke in the office is how me and some other people are a bit older than some of you guys. So one thing that it sounds old when I say this, which is why I said that was, that was always one of the things with Instagram stories, um specifically stories, but also even just Instagram itself with photos being less edited than I don't know, a designed download that you have put on linkedin like five years ago. So how is Tik Tok different from the Instagram side of behind the scenes things.

Izzy: So, whereas Instagram's obviously there in a photo first platform and linkedin is the video first platform. So you're able to do the more raw unedited type videos that you've seen on our profile. Um But with like the Instagram stuff and having less filtered content that's basically going off what the algorithm wants now. Um So with Instagram, there's been put something basically put in place which scans your photo and you'll know if there's a filter on it, if there's an element on it. Um It also knows if there's text on it much like tiktok as well. So if you've got a piece of text on your video or on Instagram or on an image basic, something basically scans it and it can read your text as well, which is quite good. So it can push it out to more people if it's within a niche or within a topic that they're interested in because the algorithm is quite smart, it does us dirty sometimes, but it's quite smart. Um But yeah, you just want to be able to basically be yourself and show your brand's personality which can be hard because sometimes people and I understand for B to B businesses, they want to be professional, they want to be seen as sometimes corporate and maybe Tik Tok doesn't, what they think tiktok is, doesn't align with that. However, it's really changing now. And we've seen, I've seen law firms on their accountants on there. Basically doing funny videos and more relaxed, raw, unfiltered. They're not scripted. So somebody could be walking around the office and a bit. We've done a few of them with little mini mics and saying what I've seen one recently with what's on your phone background. Like, it's not necessarily, it's not work related, but you will most likely watch that in your free time. And then maybe what you'll do is you'll come back to the office and be like, look at this video that I saw the other day and it could have been ours and they could be like, oh, who is this? Who are these people? They go on to our profile, they'll be scrolling through and be like, oh, we actually need a marketing agency. And that's basically how I view using tiktok. I want to get to people in their free time. I don't want to hard sell to them and then I want them to go and share our profile and hopefully that's how we'll start to generate more leads in a different way to what we've done before.

Paul: I think that's the key bit of what you're saying is that with reaching them in their free time to be conscious of that. So even though you're a company, they're gonna come across it in their free time, it could be. And that doesn't mean at seven o'clock at night onwards, you mean watch people at the coffee machine in the kitchen, they get the phone out and they have quick to, they get notification of Tik Tok. They're on tiktok. They could see you then.

Izzy: Yeah, exactly. And it only takes, it only takes a video could be seven seconds long and it could be somebody laughing at the coffee machine and somebody next to them going, what are you watching? A conversation could spark about us about another B to B and then ultimately, it could be something that they need or I'll follow those guys and then, OK, so I guess we're going to advice later. Now, I'll watch that later.

Paul: So you mentioned Vine uh for those who remember Vine, that was, was there seven seconds from memory or something? They were and they were strict.

Izzy: Yeah, tiktok's what? At the minute? Because I know that changes. Um So 15 seconds minimum, um That's the minimum time you can record up to. Um But I believe you can record five seconds um depending on the sound you're using and all different types of things. Um But 15, there's three categories, so it's 15, there's 60 seconds and then there's now a 10 minute feature that's relatively new. So I don't know if people watch youtube and stuff. I work with youtube currently. Um And what's starting to happen is the youtube style videos of where you turn your phone landscape. There's, it's basically going on to tiktok so you can upload a 10 minute long video. I know at the moment there's people posting like episodes for their kids to watch. I don't know why it's on my feed, but I get bluey episodes all the time. I don't even have Children.

Paul: And it just is good though. I've seen some of them. I think that it's very good, but basically they're only, I believe they're only short episodes. So what's happening is they're being able to upload them fully onto tiktok and a parent can be like, here you go watch this. They're not having to go and filter through loads of different apps and swipe and find the program. They can just search bluey, right? If they're still on tiktok and be like watch that and it's just, it's changing massively with the long form content, it's relatively new. So we need to try it out. Um But we're going to try it out with like these kind of sessions, some sit down sessions um and see how they perform on tiktok. But yeah, there's three categories. The ones that tend to do better are the ones that are either under a minute long for like your fun kind of videos. You, you're not really speaking in the videos. Um And then the ones that do better on the longer like around 2 to 3 minutes are say it was us two chatting. Um We posted one for men's mental health um week, a couple of weeks back. Um And it was me and will we were just chatting about different techniques and stuff um with mental health and the view rate. What I found interesting was the view numbers. They were quite low compared to our other videos. It only got about 500 views I believe. But the engagement rate compared to that was massive compared to videos that's got, there's videos that have got 2000 views and possibly only got 20 likes. This one got 500 got above 50 I believe.

Paul: That's the targeting because it knows the topic and therefore funnels it.

Izzy: Yeah, because of because of the what like the A I and stuff behind it that can read the videos once when you've got a video that is longer, it's got more information to go off. So it's able to categorize your video better. We also tried a new, well, I tried a new thing put in, said it to you. Normally you just put your hashtags underneath but now I've been using lists um underneath because the seo on the platform is growing. So I've just been putting lists of keywords. It looks random if you go, if you actually press click more to read more of the caption, it looks like I've lost, lost my mind and just put in random words. But actually on the platform, it's categorized and outposts much better. So it's pushing them out to more people.

Paul: Well, something you talked about changing rapidly as well. Is also we why we pick this topic was Tik Tok for B to B setting is still relatively really new. Uh I know that very early pioneers, especially B to C was on it sort of last year and earlier. But uh B to B started to emerge roughly second half of last year and has really gathered a pace this year. And I think a lot of people are talking about it, aren't they? So you've provided some examples. I'm just gonna have to bear with me while I technically get this ready. Uh If I come out of that, right? So you've pulled together some examples here to show businesses um using it for their business customers. So if I open this, it should open now, if the sound works,

Paul: no, it's not playing. Is it? Let's have a look. So this is Adobe who were at Can Lions Festival last week. I think it was refresh that. Yeah. Try a different one. I really like this one which was click up the project management software. I love click up stuff at the moment. Can you hear it?

Izzy: Um I can't hear it.

Paul: OK. So good job. He's got captions. That's why you should always have captions in new videos. We'll send you the links to these in the slides, but you can see two project managers or one project manager um taking the Mick out of what project managers do as a job. But that's a project management software. So, why did you pick that one?

Izzy: Um, so I like the click up ones because they're doing it in a different way. They're not, they're educating people but they're educating people subtly. Um, another one that I like of theirs is teaching my kid how to become a project manager and he basically explained it so simply as you would to a child. But so everybody else could understand it. Like if somebody that possibly is in school doesn't know what they want to do. And they're like, oh, I might want to become a project manager and they've under they can understand it from such a, like a low level because they were describing it to a child. But the, this, the guy that is running, click up, he well, not click up, sorry, click up social page. He's basically in all of them and he's the only person in the far when he has his kid or an odd employee. And I've got to say that it's probably one of the most challenging things is getting people into videos. Um Everyone's busy. So I understand that and sometimes they don't want to record a video with me, but how he's done it is he'll change, he'll change outfits, he'll just do something subtly like he's like the uh you know, the comedian, content creators do. It's just that, but selling the software at the end of the day. But look at that, I've not seen that earlier. 4000, 3081 comments and it's got over a million views on this one as well. I think, I think it was crazy. Yeah, I think it was like 5 million or something. It was enormous. Yeah.

Paul: But this one, I'm a project manager and I know a joke. The project can easily be completed without us and then they're interacting well as well. But yeah, that's, that's like you start with about the community, isn't it? If you can get imagine this, this gets shared to a project manager. That's good. Good. It's relatable content and that's what we want to create. We want to create relatable content. Again, he's doing it perfectly. He's getting people in their free time.

Izzy: Yeah, 6.9 million. 7 million.

Paul: And then you talked about different style. So this one is using images. So if it's hard to get people on video, uh here's where you can use something a bit easier. Now we've not got 7 million views yet on this one, but relatively though it gets more views than our linkedin videos do and our Instagram videos. Um It's the best performing platform for us in terms of engagement and it's all about that. It's because a lot of people go on Tik Tok in their free time. I know I keep going back to that. Um But this wasn't one of our best performing posts, but it did, it did well. Um but it was, again, it's that relatable content. So people were sharing it, people were saving it. We had a few people copy our idea. But um yeah, it ultimately it did well and a Adobes that I like how they do theirs because they actually use Adobe software to edit their videos. So it's not like, oh use Adobe to do this, use Adobe to do that. They're just showing how good their applications are and it's almost like a portfolio for them, but they're also showing like day to day life like example for the can science thing. Um But it's just doing it in different ways.

Paul: Yeah, so sorry you couldn't hear that then. Uh and the first one didn't play but the, the Adobe one is very much kind of videos you do, which is how we go into now, which is sort of a collection of clips. How do you put them together?

Izzy: Um So I normally, it, it depends on what I'm doing if I'm using a sound and the sound is already in tiktok and I need to like, I need to be lip syncing or somebody else needs to be, we do that in the platform. So I'll set up the camera on a tripod and we'll basically film it there and then sometimes we get it in one take. Sometimes we don't, it depends how fast the underlines, the under sound is. Um And then other, if I'm doing something where we're speaking on it or we've got mics, I'll film it actually in my camera. I do everything on my, my phone. Um Paul did asked me the other day if I wanted a camera to take a picture of something and I replied with, no, I've got my phone um because that's, that's all I do. I take everything on my phone. Um Easiest way to edit for me when I'm not using the Tik Tok app is I use cap cut. Um It's got some good features, you can add transitions in. Um But majority of the time I do use the tiktok editing platform just because it prioritizes your videos and it knows when you've been editing it directly in the platform. Um And also you want to be using the tiktok text box because then when it goes through like the seo and it starts to push your post out to certain people, it basically knows more what you've written within the platform. Um And it just makes it, it's a very easy platform to use.

Paul: That makes sense. It's kind of because those uninitiated like me, um it's kind of like linkedin and Facebook or Instagram keeping you on their platform, isn't it? So they, they're encouraging you to just post direct and it's a good note around. I know we were joking about the uh photos or you were laughing at me rather, but uh for it to go on social networks, the videos more than good enough, isn't it?

Izzy: Yeah, it gets compressed anyway. So don't spend time setting up a video camera lighting mic set up. Um But the one thing we do other extra bit of kit we do use is a microphone. I think that's worth investing in uh to do these videos just because just makes the sound. We always say video training. Um People will put up with ruby pictures because they're used to it but they won't listen to bad sound. So if you can just get the, we use DJ, I Bluetooth Mics, I think they're about 100 and £50 for two doesn't break the bank. Um but it's worth spending that extra few dozen pounds to get one of those. But there are other ones out there. I think you've used Road in the past. Uh you see all the creators using them. But yeah, we'll put a link of those together of, of the kit you need, you'll have a phone. She's just pretty much a mic.

Paul: Yeah, and then if you want to get a tripod um we've got, I mean, we've got about three tripods in the office. Um but I sometimes use a ring light depending on how bad the lighting is um in an area. Um Mostly uses that I just use that in winter when you can't go. I mean, at the moment and see what the weather is, or July? Yeah. Yeah. So you've got your kit of a phone? Definitely Mike. Maybe a ring light. And again they are 10 £15 off Amazon. Just, just simply for when it's a bit grim lighting. Um but other than that, you don't need to worry about kit.

Paul: So, what, what about sort of posting strategy, topic, ideas, you've talked about, sort of behind the scenes, fun culture content, uh showing what life is like in your factory floor, your office. Just I think that's definitely one stream. How do people do, how do you slip in educational or useful content to show? We're not just here for a laugh, how often and what kind of stuff.

Izzy: Um So I go with a rule of, I try and post three times a week on tiktok. Um Within that I'll do two culture behind the scenes type stuff and one educational content. But when I'm doing the cultures type funny relaxed stuff, um There's always something in there, there's something weaved within it, but they don't necessarily know. It's like it's not a hard sell, nothing is a hard sell on social media. It shouldn't be because people don't want to see that. Um But yeah, I go with the rule of two culture, more relaxed one educational piece of content. Um I know this differs to other platforms, whereas linkedin, I probably, I wouldn't do that. I would do more educational type stuff. Um And maybe every now and then just weave in a bit of culture, fun, relaxed type stuff.

Paul: The other way. Pretty much.

Izzy: Yeah, it is. And um yeah, so with tiktok, it's going back to that you're getting into the free time. So you want it to be the relaxed type of content. A lot of people talk about posting times. I don't necessarily agree with posting times if your content is good, it, it's going to perform well on a platform you don't need to post at a certain time. Um However, with tiktok, what happens is you are on a for you page, that's how people are finding you. So it organizes it via the algorithm. You also have your um friends, which is when you are connected to people and it's each way. So you follow them, they follow you, then you have your like your following. That's normally bigger creators um that obviously aren't following you back. Um So, and then they've actually now introduced and you might have it on, you might not, it's still in testing, but um you have a section that says photos. So it's basically like an Instagram style um that they are testing out. I'm not sure how well it will be the, the photos do well on tiktok. But um I'm not sure how well that side of things will go. So we'll just have to wait and see. But yeah, I don't fully think, I don't believe actually is the algorithm? Is it switch or is it always, is it time related on those channels or is it sort of fed to you in, in um what it thinks you'll want? Like linkedin is? Yeah.

Paul: So it feeds to you with what you like and what you interact with. So, if I like, not, not just the most recent though.

Izzy: Yeah. No, it's not. And also not just the most popular. No. So that's why I don't, that's why I don't think posting times don't get hung up on that.

Paul: And then what about CTAs? So you're saying don't hard sell. So if you like this come and look at our pricing, not that I presume.

Izzy: Yeah. So I keep my CTAs to um if you want to find out more, drop us a comment and then we can take it into the direct messages, we can keep it a conversation in the comments, which also really, really helps with the algorithm. Um And then ultimately, if they do want to know more, you'll have a conversation with the comments. It will move to the direct like your direct messages and then you can send them a because we all know social platforms hate links um within posts. So if you can get that conversation moving within the platform, um it, it's great. Obviously, you want to set your tiktok page up as a bit of a portfolio of what you can do and what you can produce. So they'll ultimately, they'll find, they'll know what you do. If they go through your platform, they'll know if they need you, they'll message you or they'll comment on a video and then you can start the conversation from there. So I would just keep CTAs quite simple, quite conversational as well because again, the algorithm will read it and push it out because it knows you're trying to build that community.

Paul: And what should people not do? What's your advice to avoid?

Izzy: Um I don't like when my thing is when a video goes on to link on sorry onto Tik Tok. If you have edited it into in another platform, um say for cap and cap cut some people download the videos in the wrong resolution. So it uploads onto tiktok and it will have this like white washed out filter over it because it's, it's too big. That is probably one of my biggest pet peeves and also a lot of people over emoji. So don't use them. One thing is when the um the accessibility features on all social media platforms, to be honest, when they read through um a comment or a caption, it stops at an emoji. So if you had emoji read this emoji, it just wouldn't read it. So you want to keep your emojis to the bottom. And not too many. I always think when somebody's used so many emojis, it looks like they've used um Chat GP T Yeah. True. And it just looks, it doesn't look real when I did the Instagram story for this morning for this and I put the today on it. I thought, is he gonna tell me after that? But I did it anyway to see if you caught it.

Paul: Couple of other questions here. Um What can people expect? We're not all gonna go viral like uh who was the example of click up? Like are we?

Izzy: Um So with viral posts, um this is probably controversial. You don't want to go viral from one post. I work in organic social. So organically, you want to grow. So it's keeping up consistent. The consistency is the key. That's what social platforms like. And don't think you need to post every single day. It's just, it can be once a week. But as long as you're consistent with that, once a week, your, your platform will organically grow, you add value even if you're entertaining, that's adding value. Yeah. Ultimately, you want to entertain and you want to educate and then people will have that value from what you provide to them and they'll know that, that they need that value in their lives. So they need to come and speak to you about a service about a product. But yeah, ultimately, you don't want to go viral from one post because that can actually, it can hurt your point.

Paul: Yeah. Whole all separate topic of how people go viral, but there's a whole industry for that. And the specialist companies who will help you do that if that is your aim. Yeah, we're not talking about that here.

Paul: And then last one is, what's the, this one's for me? What's the first thing people need to do? What should they go and do now to get started on Tik Tok, download the app because I know some people are scared to download the app because they don't want to go doom scrolling.

Izzy: Um But definitely that would be your first start. But also just you'll basically, when you go onto the app, if you've never been on it before, you will have the most random videos come up first. I've had so many conversations with people in the office. So like why, why I've got a cat playing a piano on my for you page. I'm like, just give it time. You need to just scroll through, it'll understand what you like after a day and then you'll start getting the content. Then once you've got that niche, you can basically, you can tailor it, you can go and search for head to your niche that you want to go and be in. Exactly. So on the avidly account, I'm constantly searching Martin Hubspot solutions, marketing agencies, stuff like that. And then it's kind of catered for you, page to that. Um So then, so yeah, so that would be my thing. Just go, that'll give you inspiration and see what your competition is doing and then you get your camera and get a video out.

Paul: Brilliant and just go for it as well. I had just post it and, and be think outside the box. Don't, don't be normal. I was watching on the office the other day in a snorkeling mask and if you've not seen that video, you need head over as well so I can see it.

Paul: And if you've, I'll hang on now, I think I, you might, might need to go. But um I'll, if you do, I'll, I'll hang around just to ask, pick up any more questions. If we'll send through this on email, uh You can book a meeting to chat, Tik Tok ideas, getting started, get more advice. We've been testing it for a couple of clients lately as well as doing it for ourselves this year. Um And if you want to stay in the know, we've also got a newsletter, but hopefully you can join us next week where we'll be talking more about video and how to use a I video video like this in tiktok and video. First communications.

Izzy: Thank you, Izzy.

Izzy: No worries. Thanks for having me.