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Comparing Blog Writing: ChatSpot, ChatGPT, and Avidly's Head of Marketing

8 mins read

You may have seen that the ChatSpot Content Assistant can now analyse up to 5,000 words of your content to match your writing style.

In theory, this means that you should be able to enter shorter prompts and be able to rely on the content spat back at you to be more in tune with your actual writing style.

Personally, I find this very exciting, as I explained when it was first announced, last week, when Katie and I talked about the HubSpot AI Roadmap.

Not least because AI content can often be either exceedingly dry or painfully cringeworthy. So, what I did was draft an announcement post for our upcoming event (LOVE INBOUND 2023, find out more and sign-up here, it's ace) using all four options that are available.

These were, in no particular order:

  • Drafting the post myself in just under 30 minutes
  • Using ChatSpot after it's analysed 5,000 words of my content (with about 2 minutes of prompt writing)
  • Using out-of-the-box ChatSpot content assistant (using said prompt but tweaked to ignore my writing style)
  • Using ChatGPT-4 (using the same 2-minute prompt)

In the interest of content-science and in no way to merely shout about our upcoming event (it's called LOVE INBOUND 2023, by the way, and you find out more and sign-up here, it's ace), I thought I'd put all four draft blog posts in here and you can try and work out which is 100% human, which two are 100% AI and which is a blend of both.

Let us know which is which and probably more interestingly, which you prefer...

  1. Version 1
  2. Version 2
  3. Version 3
  4. Version 4

The answer to which is which is at the end of the blog post.

Version 1:

TITLE: Announcing LOVE INBOUND 2023: Empowering People in Your Business

Hey there! Are you ready to unlock the power of people and supercharge your business growth? Well, guess what? LOVE INBOUND is back and it's going to be an absolutely packed day of learning with industry leaders. Trust me, you don't want to miss out on this opportunity!

Let's talk about the incredible benefits of attending LOVE INBOUND. First and foremost, this event is your golden ticket to nail your goals for the remainder of 2023 and beyond. Imagine having all the best strategies and latest tactics at your fingertips. Picture yourself soaking up top tips from true experts in the field. It's like having a secret weapon to take your business to the next level!

One of the highlights of LOVE INBOUND is the opportunity to learn from not just one, but seven expert talks. These talks cover various aspects of business growth and provide you with invaluable insights. Whether you're focused on marketing, sales, or service, there's something for everyone. And here's the best part - you can bring all your burning queries, questions, and challenges, and get them solved with the help of HubSpot and other industry experts. Talk about personalized guidance!

Now, let's talk logistics. LOVE INBOUND is a one-day event where a collection of international experts will grace the stage. And guess what? It's absolutely free! Yes, you read that right. You have the opportunity to learn from the best without spending a dime. And if that's not enough, there will also be demonstrations and the chance to have one-on-one chats with the Avidly team, winners of the prestigious HubSpot Global Partner of the Year award since 2019. Talk about rubbing shoulders with the best in the biz!

But what exactly is LOVE INBOUND, you ask? We all know that experts are out there, sharing their knowledge through podcasts, newsletters, tutorials, and eBooks. Your reading list is probably longer than the Great Wall of China! But here's the catch - finding the time to dive into all these resources and truly absorb the learnings is a challenge. That's where LOVE INBOUND comes in. It brings as many experts as possible together in one place, so you can dedicate a day to becoming better at your job. And the best part? It won't cost you a penny! It's a totally free event that will equip you with the latest business growth tactics to help you scale for success.

Attending LOVE INBOUND is not just about expanding your knowledge. It's an experience that will leave you energized and hungry to drive growth, both for yourself and your business. So mark your calendars, spread the word, and get ready for an action-packed day of learning and networking. You won't regret it!

Remember, LOVE INBOUND is your chance to unlock the power of people and revolutionize your approach to business growth. So join us, learn from the best, and let's make 2023 and 2024 your most successful years yet!

See you at LOVE INBOUND!

Version 2:

TITLE: Get Ready to Be Amazed: Join Us for Our FREE Upcoming Event!

Hey there, amazing readers! We have some incredible news to share with you today. We are absolutely thrilled to invite you to our upcoming event that is going to blow your mind! And the best part? It's completely FREE! So mark your calendars, because this is an experience you won't want to miss.

At Avidly, we believe in giving back to our community. We know that times have been tough lately, and we wanted to create something special to uplift and inspire everyone. That's why we've put together an event that promises to be unforgettable.

But you might be wondering, what makes this event so special? Well, let us give you a sneak peek into what you can expect:

1. Inspiring Keynote Speakers: We have gathered some of the most brilliant minds and influential leaders in their respective fields to share their insights and stories. Get ready to be inspired and motivated by their incredible journeys.

2. Engaging Workshops: We believe in the power of knowledge and continuous learning. That's why we've curated a series of workshops that will equip you with practical skills and strategies that you can implement in your personal and professional life.

3. Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded individuals and expand your network. Our event will provide you with ample opportunities to meet and mingle with people who share your passions and interests.

4. Exciting Giveaways: Who doesn't love freebies? We have some amazing giveaways lined up for our attendees. From exclusive merchandise to valuable resources, you could walk away with some fantastic goodies!

5. A Fun and Vibrant Atmosphere: We believe in creating an experience that is not only educational but also enjoyable. Prepare to be immersed in a lively and energetic atmosphere that will leave you buzzing with excitement.

We understand that attending events can sometimes be challenging due to scheduling conflicts or location constraints. But fear not! Our event will be held online, making it accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. All you need is an internet connection, and you're good to go!

So, how can you secure your spot at this incredible event? Simply head over to our website and register for FREE. But hurry, spaces are limited, and we don't want you to miss out!

We couldn't be more excited to have you join us for this extraordinary event. It's our way of saying thank you for being such amazing supporters of Avidly. We can't wait to inspire, educate, and connect with you all.

Remember, the event is completely FREE, so why not invite your friends and colleagues along? Share the news on your social media platforms and let's make this event an unforgettable experience together.

Stay tuned for more updates and surprises as we get closer to the big day. It's going to be epic, and we can't wait to share it with you. Get ready to be amazed!

See you soon!

Version 3:

TITLE: LOVE INBOUND 2023 is here: Empower people in your business

How much better would a business function if the people working within it felt more empowered? And if they had not just the intrinsic motivation to actually enjoy themselves at work but also the tools and structure to work more freely and effectively?

That’s what we want to help you instil in your workplace and are putting on a free event to help you do it.

Harness people’s full potential in your business with motivating talks from seven experts on a single stage, all in one day.

Come and join us at LOVE INBOUND 2023 on 5th October at Holmes Mill, Clitheroe.

From How to ‘Marie Kondo’ Your Business with super-simple structures so people can work more efficiently to How HubSpot Powers People with motivating inclusivity and autonomy, and all sorts in between, LOVE INBOUND 2023 has it all.

It’s our free, annual event that we’ve been hosting since 2019 and has left hundreds of attendees feeling empowered and energised to make improvements in their business.

Either as in-house marketing and salespeople or even business owners themselves, this is the event that helps them learn what to do to help their business grow.

And, this year, we’re focussing on making sure your people are empowered.

We firmly believe that any business is only as good as its people. And people are only as good as they feel.

So make sure they feel empowered and have the tools in place to help them work most effectively.

When is LOVE INBOUND 2023 and where can I find out more?
Here’s the key information:
TIME: 10am-4pm
DATE: 5th October 2023
WHERE: Holmes Mill, Clitheroe, Lancashire

Besides a full day of talks (either side of a free lunch at the burger bar) there’s the chance to have 1-1 sessions and Q&A with the expert Avidly team.

Avidly have been named HubSpot Global Partner of the Year every year since 2019 and will be on-hand to make sure any queries you have get resolved.

Find out more over on our dedicated LOVE INBOUND 2023 info page and sign-up for free. PLUS, if you sign-up during July, you’ll receive a FREE HubSpot Audit from our experts after the event.

Sign up now and share with your colleagues to sign-up too…

Version 4:

TITLE: LOVE INBOUND 2023 - Unlock the Power of People in Your Business

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Mark your calendars because LOVE INBOUND is back and better than ever! Join us on the 5th of October 2023 at Holmes Mill, Clitheroe, Lancashire for a packed day of learning and inspiration. Best of all, it's completely free!

Empowering People in Your Business

At LOVE INBOUND 2023, our mission is to empower you and your team by unlocking the power of people in your business. This event is your golden opportunity to fine-tune your goals for the remainder of 2023 and gear up for a successful 2024. Gain valuable insights, discover the best strategies, and learn the latest tactics from industry leaders and true experts.

Learn from 7 Expert Talks

We've carefully curated a lineup of seven expert speakers who will share their knowledge and expertise on business growth. From marketing to sales and service, our speakers will cover a wide range of topics designed to help you overcome challenges and achieve your business goals. Bring your queries and questions, and our HubSpot experts will be there to provide solutions and guidance.

All in One Day, All for Free

For one day only, LOVE INBOUND 2023 will bring together an international collection of experts on a single stage. This free event is your chance to learn, network, and grow. In addition to the insightful talks, you'll have the opportunity to witness live demonstrations and engage in one-on-one chats with the Avidly team, winners of the prestigious HubSpot Global Partner of the Year award since 2019.


You may wonder why LOVE INBOUND is different from other learning resources available today. We understand that finding the time to dive into countless podcasts, newsletters, tutorials, and eBooks can be overwhelming. That's why LOVE INBOUND is committed to gathering as many experts as possible in one place, dedicating a full day to help you become better at your job.

This event is completely free, and our expert speakers will equip you with the latest business growth tactics to scale your success. By the end of the day, you'll be filled with energy and a hunger to drive growth within yourself and your business.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to unlock the power of people in your business. Register now for LOVE INBOUND 2023 and secure your spot at the premier event for business professionals seeking growth, knowledge, and inspiration.

We can't wait to see you at LOVE INBOUND 2023!

Visit our landing page for more details and to reserve your free ticket: [Insert CTA]

What do you reckon? Is the answer obvious? Can we just use ChatSpot or GPT for content?

After some straw-poll testing internally, which one is human seems pretty clear. But the three AI options are a bit more tricky to decide.

So, what do we learn from all this?

Well, firstly, you can't rely on AI alone. And for two reasons:

  1. Half-decent AI writing was reliant on using existing, human-written content. Otherwise, well, just look at, version 1. Why look, did I hear you ask? Well, let me tell you!

    You can just tell, can't you?
  2. Even the blended Human-AI versions aren't quite there enough to standalone in terms of quality. They lack the precise touches, the bits of tight context that only a human can bring.

Then, on the flip side of this point, the human-only post hasn't had a second human proofread, it's just had Grammarly's spellchecker doing it's thing whilst writing.

I bet it's littered with errors and will be lacking that bit of finesse that only comes from our usual QC processes ("this bit doesn't flow as well, try X or Y instead").

So, again, a human working alone probably doesn't reach the finished benchmark we'd want for content.

There's a reason our content process involves at least 3 humans and at least 2 AI tools: That brings the best results.

But, anyway, whilst you're here...

Why not find out more about LOVE INBOUND 2023 and sign-up for free over on this page:



Did you see the HubSpot AI Roadmap?

I recently took a look at it with my colleague, Katie, after she shared it with everybody when it was released.

Take a look at this short video to see what's so exciting about it...


Which version is which:

  1. Chatspot without analysing existing content
  2. Chatspot after analysing existing content
  3. Human content (no QC in 30 mins, don't judge me!)
  4. ChatGPT 4 (paid)