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Automate to reduce costs – not customer experience

Old ways of marketing don’t stand a chance against today’s modern marketing tools and methods such as marketing automation. That is why you have to learn how to use it to reduce your marketing costs – without reducing the customer experience.

It has been a long time since we first said hello to the banner ad. Earlier, this was a successful way to draw attention and drive traffic to your website. Today? Not so much.

Traditionally, most marketing methods have changed quite dramatically over time. Let’s take email marketing as an example: Do you remember the first email you got from a company you had never heard of?

You probably opened it and read every single word in that email. That’s just not the case anymore. In a time with increasingly more available content and online noise, we need to be relevant and give some sort of value – more than ever before.

Our old methods are getting less and less effective, and therefore also more expensive. It no longer provides us with the ROI that we want and expect. So how do you use modern marketing tools to both reduce the costs of marketing and improve the customer experience?


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Why you need to automate with the customer in mind

Why you need to automate with the customer in mind

Now we can chat and send out emails to thousands of people at the same time, without hardly doing anything. Well, it is not that simple. If we continue this path of automating everything, we will experience immediately reduced internal costs for sure, but what about the customer’s experience?

We cannot simply forget that all these emails and chatbots we are creating are going to speak with a human at the other end of the line. The goal of automation is not to stop speaking to the people we do business with but rather to start conversations and enhance the customer experience.

There has to be a balance between automation (and reducing internal costs) and being personal and human. We want to simplify the way we do business and making our internal process quicker and better – in the end, to serve our clients better.

But we cannot forget, that today, in 2018, we have not (yet) created a bot that behaves and react exactly as a human would. And people do business with people, not robots or companies.

With that said, having a bot on your website or sending out marketing automation emails, keep in mind that these functions are there to start the conversation with the people who are interested in your company – not managing the conversation as a whole.

The automation is there to filter out the ones that you actually do want to speak with, and the ones that are wasting both their own and your time.

Everyone has a great product and it is the better experience that wins. Make sure your automation isn’t reducing that experience. Automate with the customer in mind – not the company.

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