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We are a growth design company.

Growth is a blend of art and science — the art of understanding unique brand stories and the science of deploying the latest digital tools to amplify them. Our job is to master it.

Join forces with our award-winning full-service marketing agency and the world’s most experienced HubSpot Solutions Partner.

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Company overview

Avidly is a growth design company that brings innovative technological platforms like HubSpot and captivating design solutions together to create compelling digital marketing and sales.

Avidly by numbers


NPS score from 500+ clients


offices in 7 countries


experts in 19 countries

triangle strip

What we strive for

Designed digitally.

Innovating the future of digital marketing and sales

A place where innovative technological platforms like HubSpot and captivating design converge to create compelling digital marketing and sales strategies.

Designing tomorrow’s brands

Talented people who can craft stunning, strategically driven content capturing the essence of tomorrow’s brands while engaging audiences across online platforms.

Experienced globally.

Bridging global connections

Our vision is to connect brands with customers worldwide, understanding the intricacies of global and local cultural phenomena, international markets and diverse audiences.

Magnifying experiences

Our team are experts in connecting the dots between culture and the customer journey defining how experiences and sales communicate with each other.


Igniting growth

We aim to create engaging content and solid experiences to foster genuine connections between brands and their audiences and ultimately drive sales growth.

Inspiring affection

Our dedication to storytelling and understanding our audience enables us to design marketing that inspires a love for our customers' brands and devotion to their user experiences.

Avidly's management team

Jesse Maula
Jesse Maula

Chief Executive Officer

Aki Rahunen
Aki Rahunen

Chief Financial Officer

Tiina Hahtovirta
Tiina Hahtovirta

Chief People & Sustainability Officer

Jonaz Kumlander
Jonaz Kumlander

Chief Technology Officer

Maria Flemmich Suominen
Maria Flemmich Suominen

Design Business Unit Leader
Chief Operating Officer

Sylvia Eberl
Hubspot Business Unit Director, EMEA
Ryan Watkins
Hubspot Business Unit Director, APAC


Our history

From our humble beginnings to our present global footprint, Avidly's journey is a testament to our dedication to growth.


It all started when Incognito, specialising in corporate identities and annual reports, was founded. The founders were Pirjo von Hertzen, Pekka Päivinen, and Keijo Vuorinen. Avidly acquired Incognito in January 2008.


Markus Leikola, Liisa Akimof, Harri Saukkomaa, and Jyri Tawast founded A4 Media. The company later transitioned to a digital and mobile business. Avidly acquired it in October 2006.


A Turku-based advertising agency, Enala/Hyysalo, was founded by Juuso Enala and Tapani Hyysalo. This agency later became Zeeland's Turku office.


Ville Karkkolainen and Seppo Sinkkonen founded Triventum, which focused on open-source software development. Zeeland acquired a majority stake in Triventum in February 2009.


The Zeeland name was adopted when the founders of the Helsinki-based Neljän Tuuman Toimisto and the owners of Enala/Hyysalo decided to merge their companies.


Avidly was established, initially operating under the Zeeland name.


Zeeland acquired Incognito.


Zeeland was listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange's First North list by merging with Eirikuva Digital Image.


Zeeland acquired a majority of the media agency Media Contacts Finland and renamed it Zeeland Media Group. In the same year, Zeeland acquired the advertising agency Family and changed the parent company's name to Zeeland Family.


Zeeland expanded its digital expertise by acquiring H1 Web, known for its WordPress implementations.


Zeeland expanded to Jyväskylä by purchasing Serus Media and to Oulu by acquiring Pakkahuone.


Avidly acquires Kotka-based Nitroid that specialises in brand strategy and design.


Zeeland Family changed its name to Avidly after acquiring a Scandinavian agency of the same name. Avidly was formed in 2018 through a merger of four HubSpot Diamond partners: Zeeland Family (Finland), Doidea (Sweden), Katalysator (Denmark), and Inbound Norway (Norway).


Avidly acquired the German company NetPress.


Avidly acquired the leading British HubSpot marketing agency Digital 22, a previous HubSpot Global Partner of the Year and winner of multiple HubSpot Impact Awards.


At the beginning of the year, Avidly acquired the North American CRM Toolbox, a HubSpot agency specialising in integrations, migrations, and onboarding. Around the same time, Avidly acquired the German company Breitbach Internet Service.

Responsibility & sustainability at Avidly

At Avidly, our commitment to responsibility and sustainability is unwavering.

We firmly believe that the true measure of a company's success extends beyond financial metrics, encompassing environmental and social dimensions as well.

Environmental Commitment

Avidly is proactive in its approach to environmental stewardship. We have instituted several initiatives aimed at promoting sustainability. We are dedicated to minimizing our carbon footprint and the footprint of our clients, continually seeking avenues to enhance energy efficiency and mitigate climate change.

Social Responsibility

Avidly's ethos is rooted in fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace. We endeavour to cultivate an environment where every employee feels valued, respected, and integral to our collective success. We believe in a culture of growth. Investing in our team's education and professional development is paramount. 

Ethical Governance

Integrity and transparency are cornerstones of our business operations. Avidly adheres to stringent ethical standards, ensuring that our business practices are always conducted with honesty and fairness.


Avidly is a FIBS sustainability network partner

We are proud partners of FIBS Finnish Business and Society – a leading sustainable business network that brings together the most esteemed Finnish companies. As a FIBS partner, Avidly actively contributes to FIBS member trainings, focusing on sustainability communications, and offer our expertise pro bono. 

Global partnerships


We are part of the AMIN Worldwide Network

Founded in 1932, the Advertising & Marketing Independent Network (AMIN) is a global alliance of independently owned advertising agencies. We share our years of strategic knowledge, our insights into technology and sometimes our biggest talents. AMIN Worldwide gives you allies around the globe who all want to see you win.


3 countries
59 offices
2800+ experts


16 countries
25 offices
2975 experts


8 countries
14 offices
300+ experts

Interested in
a career at Avidly?